The Stem Cell Hotel:
A Cellular Phenotyping Centre
Making high-throughput and high-content imaging more accessible.
The Stem Cell Hotel is a centre of expertise for cell characterisation using high throughput imaging and high content analysis of cellular models. It's a collaborative phenotyping space with users across academia as well as from the industry sector.
The Stem Cell Hotel provides guidance, expert advice and bespoke services to users, including assay development and assistance in overcoming technical challenges. It advises researchers in the best practice of sample preparation for imaging, imaging expertise, analysis pipeline design and quantification of the results.
The Centre contains cell culture facilities that allow the preparation of samples in situ, minimising the costs of logistics. Additionally, the range of instruments available allows not only imaging of fixed cells but also in real-time, within an incubator or with temperature and CO2 settings within the dedicated high-throughput, high-content microscope.

We are located within the Centre for Gene Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, 28th floor of Guy's Tower,
Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, LONDON SE1 9RT, UK